Saturday 29 January 2011

Graphs For Questionnaire

Presentation On graphs

Question 3- What music genre do you listen to? You can tick more than one box.

The results from the question based on Music genres has shown me that the most popular genres happened to be R&B,Hip hop,Rock/Indie and Funky house. This can be seen as important as it will help me choose what genre I intend on doing for my music magazine. As there are similar figures in the most popular genre I'm thinking of doing a Rock/Indie genre which would appeal to a wide range of audiences. 

Question 6)      What features would you like to see in a music magazine? 

From this data, I wanted to find out what people would like in a music magazine and this was successful as it gives me many ideas of what I will include. Interviews was the most popular and people find this the most interesting to look for in a music magazine, as well as fashion being the second popular. In my magazine, I will have interviews,photos, fashion and promote some events/concerts. 

Question 10- How much are you willing to spend on a music magazine? 

From the data, we can see that most people out of my sample of 20, are willing to pay between £1-2 for the magazine and I intend not to go against this, therefore to maintain an suitable profit I will set my magazine at the price of £2. 

Question 11-Do you enjoy being a part in competitions?

This question is based on competitions and whether or not target audiences would participate in them. From the figures we can see that, 11/20 said yes and 9/20 said no. I will probably use this feature in my magazine however I will not draw all my attention to this part. 

Question 12-Do you often use the internet? 

This question was asked to find out how often people use internet and from the graph we can see that all 20 respondents said yes. This has influenced me to have a website address on my front cover and contents page as a convention of a music magazine, which I'm hoping, will encourage the audience to get access to more information via the web address. 

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