Friday 21 January 2011

Front Cover Analysis 3

The magazine ‘Vibe’ shows the artist Ciara looking directly at the audience. We can straight away assume the magazine is specialised in a genre of R&B. she is wearing a tight, short black dress to show off her figure, with long brown hair which is reflected by the light. She is standing by her side to indicate she is illustrious. Her positioning can connote she is a proud successful artist. The magazine portrays Ciara looking “sexy”.
The magazine is eye catching due to the use of bright colours. The background is a mixture of light and dark blue in which a bright yellow and sky blue is used for the writing. These colours can appeal to a younger generation as these colours are quite optimistic, especially the yellow which reinforces the idea of wealth and Ciara looking illustrious.
The front cover is also big, very much like bubble writing to make the magazine look more appealing to the audience and this can relate to teenagers. The masthead; ‘VIBE’ is in bold yellow and placed behind Ciara’s image. This is a convention of many magazines and shows it’s a popular magazine brand. There is the use of alliteration which grabs the audiences attention; ‘New music New body, No Bow Wow’. The varying font sizes connotes that Ciara has maybe moved on or is experiencing freedom.   The fact it says ‘New body’ is quite unconventional behaviour if she is moving on.
A subtitle is used; ‘Don’t you wish your girlfriend was Hot like me?”. This reinforces that this magazine is targeted at teenagers by using an R&B song. The use of yellow on the words “Ciara” and “Hot like me?” emphasises ciara is known as ‘hot’ in the music industry. This can also signify gender which might mean this magazine appeals to female teenagers. The front cover also contains a puff which is a circle with ’31 ways to ball in Miami’ to draw attention to the audience. Typical conventions are also adhered to, such as a website and a barcode. Other additional information is on the magazine by the use of different colours that stands out. The use of a rhetorical question; ‘Why the native tongues fell apart’ can allow the audience to be more involved as they may know the answer to this. Overall, this magazine can be seen as conventional due to the 3 colours which are used throughout. 

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