Wednesday 26 January 2011

Contents Page Analysis 2

This content page instantly has the logo of the magazine 'Q' which reminds the audience what magazine they are reading.It shows the Rock band 'The Courtnees as the main audience focus point. Throughout the page, the text is mainly in black and white which is formally written in an organised manner, keeping things formal and this allows the audience to read the text straightforwardly. The use of these colours can indicate the theme of purity or seriousness. This can also convey the target audience for this magazine which is male and females of the young adults/ older generation rather than teenagers. If this magazine was aimed at teenagers, a wide range of optimistic colours would have been used such as yellow and blue, and this may be difficult for the audience to see what the magazine is offering whereas these formal colours are simple to understand. The black and white texts are based on different colour backgrounds such as red and white, which makes the writing stand out. Sell lines listed under the titles such as; ‘Bobby Gillespie looks back on his rock’n’roll CV’ in which the audience assume this is some part of an article therefore might want to buy the magazine and read on to find out more.
Furthermore, an image is shown which engages the audience via direct address. This is a big image which is probably the first thing that grabs attention on this page. From the mise en scene shown from an establishing shot, we can see the way they are dressed. We can assume they are a band (The courteerns) and maybe specialise in Indie/Rock type of music. They all have long brown hair which can be seen as stereotypical of many Indie artists. They are dressed quite casually which can target "cool" "hippy" people. They are wearing jeans and a t-shirt which is how rock bands usually dress and this allows the audience to relate to them by the casualness of clothing. This rock band; the courteerns are upcoming which can encourage the audience to buy the magazine. On the other hand, this can be contrasted with the other picture on the bottom of the page which is much smaller however grabs attention towards the image. This is highlighted by the man; Nick Cave, wearing a purple suit which stands out on the page, in comparison to the image above which has depressing colours such as black and white. On the image, we are given the page reference without any information which can encourage the reader to read on.

Many features are organised well in a column which provides information for the audience. 'Oasis Special' is written in a different colour (gold) which makes it stand out as it is the issue's unique selling point. This can show this group are seen as only one of its kind and we see this by the segregation of colours. This can attract the audience as it is separate from the main topic on the cover. It can also suggest that the features of the Courteerns and Oasis are quite like each other as they are both on the same magazine which can attract different type of audiences. Similarly, ‘The world’s biggest and best music guide’ can show this is another selling point of the magazine.

A typical convention is adhered to such as a website address on the top right corner which reminds people to visit the website. The use of a website address can be seen as an example of synergy, which advertises their magazine across different Medias. There is also a MySpace website at the top of the page which can show ‘Q’ not only uses synergy but also is an example of a convergence industry in which they allow their audience to view magazines online and listen to music via the net which can show a new way of audience’s consumption. The white bold font of 'Every Month' at the bottom left, tells the target audience, the magazine releases an issue monthly for regular ‘Q’magazine buyers and we can see this from the date 'October 2008' which reinforces how recent the issue is. Overall, Qs content page is seen as individual as they usually promote a band without much information which can encourage the audience to read on and find out more whereas other magazines such like XXL who sometimes specialise in fashion aswell as music.

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