Wednesday 19 January 2011

Front Cover Analysis 2

From this edition of the magazine ‘NME’, we can see this magazine specialises in a indie, rock, vibe and this is shown by the image which is directed at the audience which makes it more interesting. The background in the edition is a white simple background with a group of male’s in which we assume are all from different bands. This can suggest unity and cohesion. Many ethnicities and differences are shown by the image. For example, the black man on the top right corner can be contrasted with the two teenagers. The clothing of the teenagers is quite casual whereas the black male is wearing a hoody which can represent the genre of RnB or Hip Hop. Most characters have scruffy long hair which can connote to the audience that this is quite a stereotypical look of members who belong in a rock band. The appearances of the stars are young which can show a stereotypical convention of dark hair. The two teenagers have a little smile on their face which can indicate them as being fun and exciting.  
The images and fonts used in ‘NME’ is eye catching due to the bold font and bright colours. The masthead is the only part of the magazine in which the colour red is used which can make the magazine name stand out and be publicised due to the bold colour. This can represent passion, prosperity or danger. However, the font styles vary within the cover, and this creates a more appealing look compared to simple fonts used in some magazines.
On the left side of the magazine is a list of different bands such as ‘The Enemy’ and ‘Lethal Bizzle’ which are all linked to the similar genre of indie music. The front cover uses many typical conventions of a magazine cover such as a barcode and a website address (to allow the audience to access more information). Many connotations are used to encourage the audience to read on and buy the magazine. The use of repetition of ‘FREE CD’ emphasises that the magazine is trying to encourage the target audience to buy the magazine. Many advertisers use repetition as a technique of persuasion and therefore this can be seen as a stereotypical connotation of a magazine cover. The catchy phrase ‘Remixes and rare recordings’ is a technique of alliteration which is used to inform the audience about what they would be offered if they bought the magazine.
The slogan in the centre of the magazine cover; ‘Love Music Hate Racism’ is shown by the use of three colours; yellow, white and black which can illustrate pure colours which all represent something. ‘Love music’ is in yellow which gives an optimistic vibe that many people are passionate about music. ‘Hate’ is in white which shows purity and ‘Racism’ is in black and this can connote black is a very serious colour. This also shows many people are against racism as it is offensive. The arrow representing the slogan can support the Anti Nazi League which is a protest group that are against right wing people and promote against racism. The whole slogan connotes unity between all races and the fact the slogan is short and catchy, it is embedded in the readers mind. Overall, this can show the target audience for this magazine is teenagers who are interested in ‘Indie’ and ‘Rock’ music. 

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