Friday 11 February 2011

Names for my music magazine

Here are a few names of what i am going to call my music magazine

1)VINYL - This name is another word for records. I thought this name is suitable for my magazine because it shows a different side of Indie music.

2)RETRO - This title sounds a lot like it is associated with rock music therefore i did not choose this as I believe it didn't fit into the genre of my category which is Indie.

3)VINTAGE - This title sounds very old fashioned and if I named my magazine this, it might not appeal to my target audience which is teenagers.

4)BREAKOUT - This was my second choice however in the end I felt like this associated more with the genre Rock rather than Indie as the word 'Breakout' seems more related to loud things.

5)ECLIPSE - I again think this is more related to heavy rock music or something related to vampires therefore i did not choose this.

6)CLANG - I believed this name links more to the rock genre as rock instruments do tend to make loud noises.

7)ROLLING ROCK - This was a suggestion given to me and this name doesn't relate to indie music in any way as it has the word 'ROCK' in it.

WINNER = I decided VINYL would be the best name for my magazine.The reason I chose this is because Indie music is related to rock but

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