Monday 21 February 2011

Detailed sketches of my Front cover, Contents page & Double Page Spread

Front cover

I used my first sketch of my front cover to recreate a more detailed sketch of how my front cover will roughly look. I have decided to have a central image as this will catch the readers attention along side with many other conventions such as freebies, slogan (with alliteration), bar code, website address and the issue date. 

Contents Page

I used my third sketch of my contents page which I previously drew to recreate a detailed contents page of how I would like it to look. In this, I have tried to balance out the use of images with information. I used a lot of images in the contents page to target my audience type which is teenagers who prefer visual images. Having an image without any information apart from the page number, can interest the audience to keep reading on to find out more. 

Double Page Spread

I used my first double page sketch to recreate a more detailed page. Here i have had an image of the band on the double page spread alongside with a convention; Floating Quote. I will be adding an interview on this page of the band which i possibly might name; ULTRAVIOLET. I will also include page numbers. 

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