Saturday 26 February 2011

First Draft Pictures I Took

Here is an analysis of some pictures which I thought are suitable poses however do not completely show what I am going for..

Here are some pictures which I captured but will not be using in my magazine due to them being either too blurry or doesn't really show the Indie genre.. 
From my first draft pictures which i have taken some props which I will use next time will be; 
- an acoustic guitar
- make up
- much more darker clothing
- headphones 
- darker set and lighting 
-  I will get the boys to wear t shirts with some speech or something funny however casual
- everyone wearing jeans 
- microphone 

Friday 25 February 2011

Production Log

I have now done all my planning & research and will start producing my front cover, contents page and double page spread.

Monday 21 February 2011

Colour Ideas

Images/Poses Which I Intend to Recreate

Detailed sketches of my Front cover, Contents page & Double Page Spread

Front cover

I used my first sketch of my front cover to recreate a more detailed sketch of how my front cover will roughly look. I have decided to have a central image as this will catch the readers attention along side with many other conventions such as freebies, slogan (with alliteration), bar code, website address and the issue date. 

Contents Page

I used my third sketch of my contents page which I previously drew to recreate a detailed contents page of how I would like it to look. In this, I have tried to balance out the use of images with information. I used a lot of images in the contents page to target my audience type which is teenagers who prefer visual images. Having an image without any information apart from the page number, can interest the audience to keep reading on to find out more. 

Double Page Spread

I used my first double page sketch to recreate a more detailed page. Here i have had an image of the band on the double page spread alongside with a convention; Floating Quote. I will be adding an interview on this page of the band which i possibly might name; ULTRAVIOLET. I will also include page numbers. 

Production Log

I am now going to draw some more detailed sketches of my front cover, contents page and double page spread deciding on my final layout.

Sunday 20 February 2011

Slogans for the magazine & Naming my Band

Love music Hate racism
Love music.To Love Life

These are two slogans I came up with.

' Love music hate racism ' : This slogan I feel is well suited for the magazine because juxtaposition is used of the words 'Love' and 'Hate'. The word 'Love' shows more connotations as it is a word which expresses feelings and emotions. This slogan can relate to buyers of the magazine and this might interest them if they are against racism and have true love for music.

'Love Music.To Love Life' : I think this slogan fits better with my genre and with the heading 'VINYL' which is all about records and this can link to the slogan about loving music. The repetition of the word 'Love' is a typical convention for a magazine and I think this is important as it can interest the reader more. This slogan can also relate to my magazine as it connotes to love music you enjoy records/albums therefore love life as your fulfilling things you enjoy.

Here are two ideas of what I think I might call my band;

' The Opposites' OR 'Ultraviolet'
At the moment I am thinking Ultraviolet because it stands out and it is quite unique however I am still unsure what I am going to call my band however these were a few ideas.

Monday 14 February 2011

Production Log

As I have now decided on my magazine name, I am going to look at some font typographies and analyse them choosing which one will be the best for my magazine

Saturday 12 February 2011

Production Log

I will now sketch out a few examples of my front cover, contents pages and double page spread and from this I will develop more detailed sketches of how they will look later on.

Friday 11 February 2011

Names for my music magazine

Here are a few names of what i am going to call my music magazine

1)VINYL - This name is another word for records. I thought this name is suitable for my magazine because it shows a different side of Indie music.

2)RETRO - This title sounds a lot like it is associated with rock music therefore i did not choose this as I believe it didn't fit into the genre of my category which is Indie.

3)VINTAGE - This title sounds very old fashioned and if I named my magazine this, it might not appeal to my target audience which is teenagers.

4)BREAKOUT - This was my second choice however in the end I felt like this associated more with the genre Rock rather than Indie as the word 'Breakout' seems more related to loud things.

5)ECLIPSE - I again think this is more related to heavy rock music or something related to vampires therefore i did not choose this.

6)CLANG - I believed this name links more to the rock genre as rock instruments do tend to make loud noises.

7)ROLLING ROCK - This was a suggestion given to me and this name doesn't relate to indie music in any way as it has the word 'ROCK' in it.

WINNER = I decided VINYL would be the best name for my magazine.The reason I chose this is because Indie music is related to rock but

Sunday 6 February 2011

Auidence Research; Focus Group

Here are a few questions I asked for my audience research:
1)What features would you like in your music magazine?

2)What names of the following do you think would be good to call my indie music magazine and why: CLANG, ECLIPSE, BREAKOUT, VINTAGE, ROCK OUT, RETRO, VINYL, ROLLING ROCK

3)What colours should I associate in my Indie magazine?

4)What types of props and clothing would you like to see within my music magazine?

5)Do you think I should base my magazine on a solo artist or a band for my Indie magazine? Should I have a solo artist on my contents page?

6)What things do you expect to be on my double page spread?

This is a print screen of my edited audio file.

Friday 4 February 2011

Production Log

I have now analysed my graphs and now I am going to produce a focus group interview in which I will interview people and get their opinions on some things.